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Booking Condition Policies

Terms of Booking Explained

We, Travelly Limited (registered company number 14076969), located at 34 Meridian close , Crawley , RH11 8US, are referred to as “We,” “us,” and “our” in these Booking Terms. In these Booking Terms, references to “you” and “your” include the primary person named on the booking, as well as all individuals for whom a booking is made or to whom a booking is transferred. The terms “package,” “organiser,” and “lack of conformity” have the same meanings as defined in the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. “Arrangements” encompass all holiday, tour, and other arrangements specified on your confirmation (including any additions or modifications).
Our responsibilities to you will differ based on whether we package arrangements for you or act as an agent for another travel supplier. In these Booking Terms, references to packages pertain to packages for which We are the organiser. If we sell you arrangements on behalf of another travel supplier as an
agent, your contract will be with that supplier. In such cases, we will only have obligations to you in accordance with section 12(A)(ii) of these Booking Terms.


We strive to ensure the accuracy of all information and prices presented in our advertising material.
However, occasional changes and errors may occur, and we reserve the right to rectify them under such circumstances. Prior to confirming your booking, you are responsible for verifying the current price and all other information pertaining to the arrangements you wish to book. Additionally, we shall not be held liable for booking errors attributable to you or caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as defined in clause 9.


Before a binding agreement between you and us is formed, you will receive information regarding the main characteristics of your arrangements. This information, along with these conditions, our Privacy Notice, and any other pertinent written information brought to your attention before we confirm your booking, constitutes the basis of your contract with us. Please review them carefully as they outline our respective rights and obligations. By making a booking, you agree to be bound by all of these terms. The key terms of our agreement include:
You enter into a binding contract with us upon the issuance of our confirmation. If you cancel your arrangements thereafter, cancellation charges up to 100% of the cost may apply, depending on the timing of your cancellation and/or the terms and conditions of the suppliers.
Changes to confirmed arrangements can be made in certain circumstances, subject to a processing charge.
We reserve the right to make changes to and cancel your confirmed arrangements, providing suitable alternatives and compensation in certain circumstances.
We are responsible for ensuring that your confirmed arrangements are performed without negligence, subject to certain limits and exceptions.

For all bookings, the party leader must be at least 18 years old and authorized by all persons named on the booking to make the booking based on these Booking Conditions. By making the booking, the party leader confirms this authorization and the agreement of all party members to be bound by these
conditions. The party leader is responsible for all payments due to us. Upon availability of all components of your requested arrangements and receipt of all applicable payments, our agreement becomes binding upon issuance of confirmation, either directly to you or through an authorized agent acting on our behalf. Please review all details on the confirmation immediately upon receipt, as it may not be possible to make changes later. Any inaccuracies should be reported to us as soon as reasonably possible after receipt, as failure to do so may affect your rights and ability to travel.

The suppliers providing services for your arrangements operate under their own terms and conditions, which also form part of your agreement with us. These terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you, typically in accordance with applicable International Conventions. Relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available upon request from us or the supplier concerned.


By clicking to book holiday arrangements and providing your personal and payment details on our website, you are making an offer to purchase the selected arrangements, subject to availability. Upon receipt of this offer, we will contact the supplier to confirm availability at the quoted price. Payment will only be taken if the arrangements are available at the quoted price, at which point your booking will be confirmed by issuance of a confirmation invoice. If the arrangements are available but not at the quoted price, you will be contacted to discuss the revised price before confirmation.


To secure your arrangements, payment must be made in accordance with the instructions provided by us. Failure to make full and timely payment may result in the cancellation of your booking by us. In such cases, cancellation charges as outlined in clause 7 below will apply.


As part of our agreement, it is mandatory that you have sufficient travel insurance for your arrangements. This insurance should, at the very least, provide coverage for cancellation, medical emergencies, and repatriation in case of accidents or illness. Information regarding a suitable insurance policy to cover your arrangements can be provided upon request. If you opt to travel without adequate insurance coverage, we will not be held liable for any losses you may incur, for which insurance coverage would otherwise have been available.


Please inform us of any special requests related to your arrangements at the time of booking. While we will make every effort to accommodate your reasonable requests, we cannot guarantee their fulfillment. 

If we are able to confirm a special request or requirement in writing on our confirmation, we will do so.
However, failure to confirm requests or requirements in writing on our confirmation will not constitute a breach of contract on our part.


Many of the arrangements we offer are generally suitable for individuals with reduced mobility.
However, if you or any member of your party has a specific medical problem or disability that may impact your chosen arrangements, please provide us with complete details before we issue our confirmation. We will only provide detailed information on the suitability of the trip or holiday considering your needs if you specifically request us to do so. If, acting reasonably, we are unable to adequately accommodate your needs, we reserve the right to decline your booking. In the event that you did not provide us with full details at the time of booking and we become aware of these details later, we will consider it as a cancellation by you.


We retain the right to adjust the price of unsold holiday arrangements at any time and rectify any errors in the prices of confirmed arrangements.
The price of your confirmed arrangements may vary due to changes in:
The cost of passenger transportation resulting from fluctuations in fuel or other power sources.
Taxes or fees imposed on your confirmed arrangements by third parties not directly involved in the execution of the package, including tourist taxes, landing taxes, or fees at ports and airports. Price adjustments will be calculated based on the cost differential resulting from these factors. Prices may
increase or decrease, and we will notify you of any changes at least 20 days before your departure.
If your arrangements constitute a package and result in an increase of more than 8% of the arrangement’s price (excluding insurance premiums, amendment charges, and additional services), you will be offered options as outlined in clause 8. We will absorb any increase equivalent to 2% of the arrangement’s price, excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges.
In the event of price reductions due to the aforementioned factors, we will issue a refund reflecting the decrease. However, administrative expenses will be deducted from the refund, potentially nullifying its value.
Additionally, please be aware that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency, and some apparent changes may not affect the price due to contractual protections in place.
Please note that our prices are based on bookings made by UK residents. If you are not a UK resident or passport holder, you may be subject to additional charges imposed by the supplier during checkin/check-out. Travelly will not be held liable for such additional charges.


If you wish to modify or cancel your confirmed arrangements, including partial cancellations, please notify us as soon as possible. Your request for changes or cancellations will be effective upon receipt in writing at our offices and will take effect from the date of receipt. While we endeavor to accommodate changes, we cannot guarantee their fulfillment, considering that we incur costs in altering or canceling
arrangements. All changes and cancellations are subject to the following charges:

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel a package arrangement prior to commencement due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, as outlined in clause 9, you will receive a refund of any payments made. However, this is the extent of our liability, and we regret we cannot cover any additional expenses or losses incurred.
Please note that if these circumstances existed at the time of booking, they will not be considered unavoidable or extraordinary.
If any member of your party is unable to travel, you may transfer their place to someone else provided we are notified in writing at least seven days before departure. A transfer fee and all associated costs and charges must be met. If you are unable to find a replacement, cancellation charges will apply.
For flight-inclusive bookings, name changes after ticket issuance are generally not permitted by airlines.
In such cases, the full cost of an alternative flight may be required for transfer.
Please be aware that unused portions of flight tickets may result in automatic cancellation of return sectors by the airline.

Cancellation Charges:

63 days or more before departure: Total flight cost plus 35% of all other elements of the booking (or the deposit amount, whichever is greater)
62 – 42 days before departure: Total flight cost plus 50% of all other elements of the booking (or the deposit amount, whichever is greater)
41 – 34 days before departure: Total flight cost plus 70% of all other elements of the booking (or the deposit amount, whichever is greater)
33 – 21 days before departure: Total flight cost plus 90% of all other elements of the booking (or the deposit amount, whichever is greater)
Less than 21 days before departure: 100% of the total cost of the booking.
Please note that additional charges may apply in the event of cancellation by some party members.

Change Policy:

If we are able to accommodate your requested change, a fee of £50 per person per change will apply, in addition to any applicable rate changes or extra costs incurred.
Please be aware that certain arrangements may not be amended after confirmation, and any alteration or cancellation could result in charges of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements, in addition to the charges above.


In this section, “price reduction” refers to an appropriate reduction in the price paid for affected arrangements during any period of lack of conformity, unless such lack of conformity is attributable to you. “Compensation” refers to the provision of appropriate compensation without undue delay for any
damages sustained as a result of lack of conformity, subject to limitations and exclusions detailed in section B of clause 12.
Changes and Cancellations to Package Arrangements Before Departure
We reserve the right to make insignificant changes to your confirmed arrangements before departure, for which we hold no further responsibilities. Examples of “insignificant changes” include:
A change in departure time or overall duration of up to twelve hours.
A change in accommodation to one of similar standard or classification.
In the event of significant changes, where we substantially alter any essential element of your arrangements (excluding price) due to circumstances beyond our control, we will notify you promptly.
Examples of “significant changes” include:

A change in accommodation resort for a significant portion of your trip.
A downgrade in accommodation standard for a significant portion of your trip.
A change in departure time or overall duration exceeding twelve hours.
A substantial change to your itinerary, such as omitting one or more destinations entirely. Inability to fulfill accepted and confirmed special requirements with significant impact on your
An increase in the price of your arrangements exceeding 8% of the total cost (excluding insurance premiums, amendment charges, and additional services).
Upon notification of significant changes or cancellation before departure, you will be provided with the following options:

Accepting the revised arrangements.

Accepting the cancellation and receiving a prompt refund of all payments made.
Accepting alternative arrangements of comparable standard, if available.
You must inform us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. Failure to respond within this timeframe may result in termination of the contract and refund of all payments made by you without undue delay.


Compensation will not be paid if changes or cancellations occur before the final balance payment.
Compensation is not applicable in the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as outlined in clause 9.
Compensation is not provided for cancellations due to failure by you (including payment failure) or alterations requested by you.
Changes and Cancellations to Package Arrangements After Departure
If we are unable to provide a significant portion of your package arrangements after your departure, we will offer suitable alternative arrangements of equivalent or higher quality, if possible. If the alternative arrangements are of lower quality, a price reduction will be offered. Additionally, return transport equivalent to that originally promised will be provided. You may reject proposed alternatives only if they are not comparable or if the price reduction offered is inadequate.
If suitable alternatives cannot be arranged or if you reject proposed alternatives, compensation may be provided, subject to section B of clause 12.
In cases where return cannot be ensured due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as defined in clause 9, necessary accommodation costs will be covered, subject to specified conditions.
Changes and Cancellations to Other Bookings by the Supplier
For arrangements sold as agents for other suppliers, any changes or cancellations made by the supplier will be promptly communicated to you. You will need to indicate your choice within the stipulated timeframe. Failure to do so may result in the assumption of a preference for a full refund by the supplier. We bear no liability for changes or cancellations made by the supplier under your contract with


For complaints during holidays, please contact our Customer Resolution Team at [email protected] or on 02037908383.. This service is available 24/7.
Please note that Customer Relations is dedicated to addressing post-travel complaints and operates
Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
For any pre-travel complaints, kindly direct your concerns to the Branch Manager.


If, in our reasonable assessment or that of any authoritative figure, your conduct poses a threat to the safety of the aircraft, its occupants, or property onboard, or disrupts order and discipline; or if it causes distress, danger, damage, or annoyance to any third party or property, resulting in a delay or diversion of transportation, we retain the right to terminate your arrangements immediately.
In such circumstances, our obligations to you will cease, and you will be asked to vacate your accommodation or service promptly. We will bear no further responsibilities and will not cover any expenses, costs, or losses incurred as a consequence. Additionally, you may be liable to compensate for any loss or damage directly to the relevant supplier before departing the service. Failure to comply will make you accountable for any subsequent claims and expenses arising against us.


A. Responsibilities Based on Booking Type

(i) For Package Bookings:

We are considered the “organiser” under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. If we fail to fulfill or execute your package arrangements as agreed, we will rectify any resulting lack of conformity. If rectification is impossible or excessively costly, we will provide compensation, subject to the conditions outlined in section B of this clause.

(ii) For All Other Bookings:

In other bookings, we act as an agent for various suppliers. While we have a duty to select these suppliers with reasonable care, our liability is limited. We are not liable for the actual provision of services unless proven negligent, and we are not responsible for acts or omissions of the supplier, its employees, or agents.

Please note:

It’s your responsibility to demonstrate negligence on our or our supplier’s part to make a claim. You must promptly notify us and the relevant supplier(s) of any perceived lack of conformity and allow a reasonable period for rectification.

B. Limitations and Exclusions of Responsibility

(i) We are not liable for lack of conformity, injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expenses, costs, or any other claims resulting from:

– Actions or omissions of affected individuals.
– Actions or omissions of third parties unrelated to the service provision.
– Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances outlined in clause 9.

(ii) We are not liable for:

– Services or facilities not part of our agreement.
– Unforeseen damages, losses, or expenses based on information provided by you before confirmation.
– Claims relating to business activities.

(iii) Compensation, if payable, considers factors like:

– Compliance with complaints and notifications procedures.
– Impact of negligence on overall enjoyment.
– Deductions for compensation received from transport providers or hoteliers.

Luggage, personal possessions, and money:

Compensation is limited to your insurance policy’s excess amount.

Claims covered by International Conventions:

Compensation is subject to limits outlined in applicable conventions.

Other claims:

Maximum compensation is three times the price paid per person, except in cases where benefits have been received from arrangements.


This agreement and any issues stemming from it are subject to English law. Both parties consent that any disputes or claims related to this agreement or your holiday will be addressed exclusively by the Courts of England and Wales. However, if you reside in Scotland or Northern Ireland and prefer, you
have the option to select the law and jurisdiction of that region


We ensure financial security for our flight inclusive packages through a bond held by the Civil Aviation
Authority under
ATOL number# 11870 as Flights380. In case of our insolvency, you can reach out to the Civil Aviation
Authority at Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR, UK, via telephone at 0333 103 6350 or email at [email protected]. Upon purchasing an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us, you will receive an ATOL certificate. This certificate outlines the financially protected services, where to find information about your protection, and who to contact if issues arise. It’s important to note that not all holiday or travel services offered and sold by us are protected by the ATOL Scheme. Please refer to your ATOL Certificate or ask us for confirmation regarding the protection applicable to your booking.
We, or the suppliers listed on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services specified on the certificate or a suitable alternative. If neither we nor the supplier can fulfill these obligations due to insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may step in to provide the services at no extra cost to you.
However, there may be instances where appointing an alternative ATOL holder is not feasible. In such cases, you’re entitled to make a claim under the ATOL Scheme (or your credit card issuer, if applicable).
If we or the suppliers listed on your ATOL certificate are unable to provide the services or a suitable alternative due to insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may offer you a payment or benefit under the ATOL scheme. In return for this payment or benefit, you assign any claims related to the nonprovision of services to the Trustees. These claims may also be reassigned to another entity if that entity has paid sums claimed under the ATOL scheme.
For non-flight inclusive package arrangements, we provide protection through an insurance policy arranged with Evolution Insurance Company Limited. In case of our insolvency, customers can contact [email protected] for assistance.
If you book arrangements other than a package for which we are the organizer, your monies will not be financially protected by us. Feel free to ask us for further details


Ensuring compliance with passport, visa, health, and immigration requirements pertinent to your itinerary is your responsibility. While we offer general guidance on this matter, it is essential to verify the requirements for your specific situation with the relevant Embassies, Consulates, and your medical
professional. Given that requirements may change, it’s crucial to verify the current status well in advance of your departure.
Many countries now stipulate that passports must remain valid for at least six months beyond the return date. If your passport is in its final year, we recommend consulting the Embassy of the destination country. For additional details, you can contact the Passport Office at 0870 5210410 or visit
For the latest travel advisories, refer to the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office website at www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice.
Non-British passport holders, including EU nationals, should seek updated advice on passport and visa requirements from the Embassy, High Commission, or Consulate of the destination country or countries through which you’ll be traveling.
We cannot assume responsibility if you encounter travel restrictions or any other losses due to noncompliance with passport, visa, immigration requirements, or health formalities. By agreeing to these terms, you commit to reimbursing us for any fines or losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to adhere to these requirements.


In compliance with Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 Article 9, we are obligated to notify you about the “Community list,” which contains information about air carriers subject to an operating ban within the EU Community. You can access the Community list for inspection at https://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban_en.
Per EU Regulations, we are required to inform you of the carrier(s) (or likely carrier(s) if not known) scheduled to operate your flight(s) at the time of booking. If we can only provide the likely carrier(s) at booking, we will promptly update you on the actual carrier(s) once confirmed. Any changes to the operating carrier(s) post-booking will be communicated to you without delay. While we may not always confirm aircraft type and flight timings at the time of booking, please note that the flight timings and aircraft types provided on our website, brochure, and confirmation invoice are for guidance only and
subject to confirmation and alteration. The latest timings will be reflected on your tickets. It’s crucial to review your tickets upon receipt to ensure accuracy, as flight times may change even after dispatch. We recommend reconfirming flight times with the airline 24 hours before departure and for your return journey to account for any changes.
Any alterations to carrier identity, flight timings, and/or aircraft type do not entitle you to cancel or change arrangements without our standard charges unless specified otherwise in these conditions. If the confirmed carrier is subject to an operating ban resulting in our inability to offer a suitable alternative, the provisions of clause 8 (Changes and cancellation by us) will apply.
Under the Denied Boarding Regulation (EU 261/2004), if you experience denied boarding, flight cancellation, or significant delay, the airline is responsible for your welfare, including food, drinks, and communication. In case of an overnight delay, this includes accommodation and transportation. Full details of your rights will be available at EU airports and from airlines. We bear no liability in these circumstances, and any claims for assistance and compensation must be directed to the airline. Airline liability under EU 261/2004 does not automatically result in a refund of your holiday price from us. If you choose not to claim against the airline and seek compensation from us, you must assign to us the rights against the airline relating to the claim upon receiving compensation from us.


We are not liable for delays caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances outlined in clause 9. A delay or cancellation of your transportation service does not automatically grant you the right to cancel other arrangements, even if they are linked to your transportation. However, you might be eligible to claim under the delay section of your travel insurance policy.


We retain the authority to modify, supplement, or revise any of our Booking Conditions at our discretion and without prior notice. Additionally, we maintain the right to decline any booking.


Additional Beds

Upon request, prices for three and four individuals sharing a room are available. Hotels that do not charge for children typically expect them to share existing sleeping arrangements with accompanying adults. Additional charges may apply if extra sleeping arrangements, like rollaway or camp beds, are needed. However, please note that additional sleeping arrangements may lead to cramped conditions. If you’ve booked a family plan room type for two adults, typically only the adults will be paying guests and receive bedding, while accompanying children will stay free of charge and share existing sleeping arrangements with the adults.

Flight Seating

Most airlines allow you to request your seat(s) before travel, often with an associated fee, subject to ticketing. Requests can be made on the airline’s website using the “Airline Ref” provided in the air section of your Booking Confirmation/E-ticket. However, seat reservations are not guaranteed and may change based on airline operational requirements.

General Baggage Allowance

The free checked-in baggage allowance varies by airline and destination. Typically, for international long-haul flights, economy class travelers are allowed 20kg, business class 30kg, and first class 40kg. Excess charges apply if your allowance is exceeded. Baggage allowances are subject to change, so please verify current limits with your travel consultant or airline before departure

Checked Baggage on Flights in USA and Canada

For itineraries involving domestic or transatlantic flights in the USA and/or Canada, airlines typically charge for checked baggage. For details, refer to the relevant airline’s website.

Brochure Accuracy

Please be aware that brochures are produced well in advance, and changes/errors can occur. Therefore, we advise checking for the latest holiday details at the time of booking, as changes may affect hotel information, escorted tours, cruises, and self-drive itineraries due to various circumstances beyond our control.

Check-in & Check-out Times

Check-in times usually range from 2 pm to 4 pm, and check-out from 10 am to 12 noon. Early check-in is subject to room availability and at the hotel’s discretion. Please check in advance and consider booking an additional night if early check-in is desired.


The climate chart and weather guide provided are for guidance only. We cannot accept responsibility for any adverse weather conditions affecting your holiday enjoyment.

Departure Tax

UK departure taxes and airport charges are typically prepaid and included in your air ticket cost.
However, various countries impose their own departure taxes, which may not be included. Please verify this at the time of booking.

Hotel Extras

Parking charges and fees for leisure facilities may apply at hotels and are not included in the prices shown. Please inquire about additional charges for specific facilities at the time of booking.


Renovations or construction work at your chosen hotel/resort may occasionally occur, affecting your holiday experience. While we endeavor to notify you of such circumstances, emergency repairs may not always be communicated before your departure.


When booking half board, full board, or all-inclusive holidays, please note that meal options may vary.
Some hotels may require supplements for dining in certain restaurants or ordering specific food/beverage items.


Hotel prices are based on standard rooms for up to two adults. Upgraded room types are available for a supplement, and meals are included only where stated.


Most hotels, airlines, and coach companies operate non-smoking policies. Smoking bans may also apply in public places such as bars and restaurants in some cities.

Special Offers

Special offers are subject to availability and terms and conditions. They cannot be combined with other offers unless specified.

Star Ratings

Our star classification system reflects our opinion and may differ from internationally recognized systems. It represents a true representation of each property’s merits.


While water and electricity supplies are generally reliable, occasional power cuts and water restrictions may occur in remote destinations. Water quality may also differ, so we recommend drinking bottled water where necessary.

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